Lucas Alves da Silva Bonafé

Administrative and Regulatory Law

Experience:Lucas works with administrative contracts, as well as agreements and management contracts signed between Public Entities and non-profit entities, especially in the area of health. He defends private entities before the Courts of Auditors, as well as advocates for private entities before supervisory authorities. He practices in regulatory law in the health sector, providing opinions and administrative defenses relating to the National Agency of Sanitary Surveillance (“ANVISA”), besides realizing defenses and monitoring proceedings before health sector councils such as the Federal Council of Medicine (“CFM”). He also analyses contracts signed between hospitals and health insurers, in accordance with legislation of the National Agency of Supplementary Health (“ANS”).

Academic background: Studying for post-graduate degree in Social Control of Public Policies
at the Accounts Tribunal of the Municipal of Sao Paulo. Graduated in Law at the Mackenzie Presbyterian University.

Professional activities: Member of the Legal Committee of the Brazilian Institute of Health sector Social Organizations (“IBROSS”). Vice-president of the Paulista Institute of Municipal Management (“IPGM”).

Associations: Brazilian Bar Association (OAB-SP).